Thermax provides systems and solutions in the critical domains of energy and
environment. The products and services developed by Thermax help industries achieve better
resource productivity and improved bottom lines, while maintaining a cleaner environment.
The company’s vision for the future is firmly anchored in the belief that, to stay competitive,
business houses need to adopt sustainable practices.
Thermax’s product portfolio covers heating, cooling, water and waste management, and
specialty chemicals. The company also designs, builds, and commissions large boilers for
steam and power generation, turnkey power plants, waste-to-energy systems, and air
pollution control projects.
Speciality Products :
- Heating - Boiler, Hot water Generator, Heat Pumps.
- Water – STP, WTP, ETP, Solid Waste Management.
- Power – Solar PV
- Chemicals – RO Chemicals, Colling Tower Chemicals, STP Chemicals, Softener Resins.
- Others – Test Kits, Online Monitoring Instruments for BOD, COD, TSS and PH
Apart from all the above Products we also provide following products. :
- Barrel decanting pumps.
- PP, PVDF Centrifugal pumps which are assembled and tested by us.
- Process Pumps in SS316 Construction.
- Self-Priming process pumps in SS316 construction.
The most important of all, we provide effective after sales service for all the above pumps
supplied at your site, and we have a well-equipped service centre at Bhiwandi and Mahad for the pumps that cannot be serviced on site.
We are sure you must be having requirement for such Pumps, Piping Systems,
Automations, Heat Exchangers and Process Skids. Kindly share your detailed requirements with
Looking forward to work with you.