Pump Audit
Pump Audit
Company History
- If you think pumps are expensive, consider the costs of running them
- Did you know that 85% of the pump life-cycle cost is related to the daily operation of the pump?
- And that you can typically save 30-50% energy by a simple pump audit of your pumps?.
- We lay high emphasis on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources. With this objective in mind, we are into energy audits to conserve and save energy by carrying out Performance Measurement of Pumps and Motors. This shall help you to adopt best methods to reduce electricity consumption and enhance energy efficiency.Our Energy Audit team will analyze your energy systems and provide a superior analysis on your current electricity and thermal consumption and annual energy spend. This would also include specific energy savings proposals along with the associated repayment period of current energy related debt.
Pump Health Check Ups:
Our service team visits the company and checks the condition of supplied pumps that are installed at the site.
Repair / AMC :
The service products and divided into five portfolios, making it easier for you to get an overview of available service product and select the right service product.